There are several ways to say yes no in Vietnamese. So, how to say it correctly?
Depending on situations and who you talk to, you can use different words to show your agreement or disagreement or answer a question.
In this lesson, we'll take a look at different Vietnamese phrases for yes and no.
How to say yes
Có - Yes
You can say có when replying to an invitation.
Dạ, vâng - Yes
Dạ is the formal positive reply, which is equivalent to the English Yes. In the northern dialect, Vâng is used instead of Dạ. This is used when you answer to someone older than you.
Ừ, ờ - Yeah
If you talk to someone younger or the same age as you, you can use ừ or ờ to say yes. It's the same as Yeah or Uhm in English.
Đúng vậy - That's right
Đúng is equivalent to "correct" in English.
Được - Okay
Được means Okay in Vietnamese. You can use this phrase to show your agreement with someone, especially if that person ask for permission.
You can also use phrases such as được rồi/ được rồi (alright), được chứ (sure) if you want to impress more.
Đồng ý - Agree
Đồng ý means "agree" in Vietnamese. To say I agree, it's Tôi đồng ý. It's usually used in formal situations.
Chắc chắn rồi - Sure
For expression such as "Sure", "Definitely", "Absolutely", you can use "Chắc chắn rồi".
Tất nhiên, đương nhiên - Of course
To answer "Of course", you can use tất nhiên or đương nhiên.
Nghe hay đó
If you want to say "Sounds good!" as the reply, you can use Nghe hay đó, which literaly translated as "it sounds good!".
How to say no
Không - No
To say no or to disagree with someone, you can say Không, which is No in English.
To reply "No, thanks" or "No, thank you", you can say Không, cảm ơn.
Chắc không đâu - Probably not
If you want to politely decline something, you can say Chắc không đâu, which is "Probably not" in English.
Chưa - Not yet
If you haven't done something when people ask, you can use chưa or chưa nữa to reply.
Không bao giờ - Never
To completely disagree or reject something, you can say Không bao giờ.