Vietnamese Alphabet & How To Pronounce Them

GrammarUpdated: November 7th, 2022

Xin chào, today we will learn how to pronounce the Vietnamese alphabet. By practicing the alphabet, you'll be able to combine words and spell them in the future.

I. Alphabet

The Vietnamese language has 12 vowels and 17 consonants, listed in the charts below.

a   ă   â   b   c   d   đ
e   ê   g   h   i   k   l
m   n   o   ô   ơ   p   q
r   s   t   u   ư   v   x   y

You can listen to how we say the letters of the alphabet below. You can practice your pronunciation by repeating after me.

II. Vowels

a   ă   â   e   ê   i   o   ô   ơ   u   ư   y

III. Consonants

b   c   d   đ   g   h   k   l   m   n   p   q   r   s   t   v   x
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About Ha Truong

Ha is a writer, web-developer and keen language learner.
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